Managing the Customer Experience with CRM


Vik Murty

Director de business innovation & technology strategy - Universidad del Desarrollo

Welcome to Managing the Customer Experience with CRM. In order to finish the execution of digital marketing, we need to map out and manage customer experiences and build customer profiles or personalities. So let’s begin and start your own Digital Marketing success journey!

Managing the Customer Experience with CRM


Vik Murty

Director de business innovation & technology strategy - Universidad del Desarrollo

Welcome to Managing the Customer Experience with CRM. In order to finish the execution of digital marketing, we need to map out and manage customer experiences and build customer profiles or personalities. So let’s begin and start your own Digital Marketing success journey!


In this course, you will learn the process and importance of the Customer Experience (Cx) philosophy. You will understand the purpose and management of the relationship between CX & Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the best practices in its implementation, and finally, you will also understand the main SaaS (Software as a Service) y PaaS (Platform as a Service) options and technologies in this field for you to look further into the right fit for your organization small to medium to large.

Pregrado UDD

2 Créditos Extradisciplinares (CELE) – Pregrado UDD

Créditos no homologables para carreras:

  • Ingeniería Civil en Minas.

Para homologar tus CELE debes registrarte con tu correo UDD. Luego de haber aprobado la certificación de manera presencial se homologarán tus créditos automáticamente.

4 Semanas

21 Horas

Certificación Online
Lo que aprenderás con este curso

Kick off


  • Course introduction.
  • Presentation of good practices and discipline for autonomous online study.
  • Video presentation about features of the platform.
  • Evaluation process presentation.
  • Information support.

Journey Mapping and the Customer Experience


  • Observation.
  • Identification of elements for Map: 
    1. Buyer Personal.
    2. Buyer Goals.
    3.  Map out buyer touchpoints.
    4. Pinpoint pain points.
    5. Fixing Roadblocks.
    6. Kaizen.
  • Essentials for a Journey Map.
  • Data Types.

CRM in Brand, Product, and Channel activities


  • What are various uses and the CRM cycle.
  • Types of CRM:
    1. Operational.
    2. Analytical.
    3. Collaborative.
  • Success Strategies:
    1. Lifetime Value (LTV).
    2. 2:20:80:150.

Operational CRM


  • Citizen Data Science benefits.
  • Sales Automation.
  • Marketing Automation.
  • Service(s) Automation.

Finding the perfect CRM!


  • CRM Obstacles.
  • CRM Trends.
  • Sourcing and Examples.

Closing of the course and Certification of the skill


  • General review of the content.
  • Test evaluation.
  • Certification.

Una vez hayas completado el curso, deberás rendir una prueba de certificación para la obtención de tu insignia digital, la cual acredita formalmente el dominio de las habilidades definidas en este curso. Nuestras insignias digitales cuentan con tecnología blockchain lo cual hace que sea segura, auténtica, verificable y fácil de compartir en tus redes sociales, como por ejemplo en Linkedin.

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Gestiona tus clientes con nuevos sistemas.

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